When the car stops suddenly, the passengers move .........


سؤال 1
الدرجة 1.00

When a piece of coal is burnt, .......... Energy is produced. 

سؤال 2
الدرجة 1.00

The produced ...... energy doesn't help the blender do its job.

سؤال 3
الدرجة 1.00

.......... is considered as the main resource of energy on Earth's surface.

سؤال 4
الدرجة 1.00

The big truck needs .... Engine.  

سؤال 5
الدرجة 1.00

When objects crash with each other, then .......transfers between them.

سؤال 6
الدرجة 1.00

All the following are found deeply under earth's surface except ......

سؤال 7
الدرجة 1.00

Both hair dryer and electric water kettle produce ...........energy.

سؤال 8
الدرجة 1.00

In a battery of a toy car ........... energy changes into electrical energy.

سؤال 9
الدرجة 1.00

Coal is a type of fuel, which is used in all the following purposes except ...........

سؤال 10
الدرجة 1.00

To keep playing with the toy car, we have to .............. the batteries.

سؤال 11
الدرجة 1.00

Kinetic energy doesn't affect by the .......... 

سؤال 12
الدرجة 1.00

The car needs ........... to move.  

سؤال 13
الدرجة 1.00

When you turn on a light bulb, the electrical energy travels through .......... until reaching the bulb.

سؤال 14
الدرجة 1.00

Curiosity rover is designed to explore ......... 

سؤال 15
الدرجة 1.00

Electric wires are made of ............. 

سؤال 16
الدرجة 1.00

When you use the hand ball, the ....energy changed into sound energy.

سؤال 17
الدرجة 1.00

When the car fuel completely runs out, then the car's ...... becomes zero.

سؤال 18
الدرجة 1.00

Hydroelectric energy is generated from .........  

سؤال 19
الدرجة 1.00
الوقت المتبقي
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