It took nearly two hours to get here. ’Nearly” is similar in meaning to “..........”.

سؤال 1
الدرجة 1.00

My mum isn’t able to continue working, so she is going to .................

سؤال 2
الدرجة 1.00

House prices are expected to rise again. Another meaning for “rise” is “...........”.

سؤال 3
الدرجة 1.00

We form the adjective from the noun “west” by adding the suffix “...........”.

سؤال 4
الدرجة 1.00

To get the noun from the verb “abbreviate”, add the suffix “..................”.

سؤال 5
الدرجة 1.00

The answer is quite clear. “Clear” is similar in meaning to “...................”.

سؤال 6
الدرجة 1.00

The antonym of “in vain” is “.................”.

سؤال 7
الدرجة 1.00

The farmer works hard in his field. Field is a land for ...............

سؤال 8
الدرجة 1.00

He is planning to develop his business. “ Develop” is similar in meaning to “..........”.

سؤال 9
الدرجة 1.00

If you don’t have anything positive to say, don’t say anything. The antonym of 'positive' is “....................”.

سؤال 10
الدرجة 1.00

If you don’t have anything positive to say, don’t say anything. The antonym of positive” is “...................”.

سؤال 11
الدرجة 1.00

We can add the prefix “..........” to the word “face” to mean the flat top of something.

سؤال 12
الدرجة 1.00

The prefix “....................” means to do something again.

سؤال 13
الدرجة 1.00

The adjective from the noun “driver” is formed by adding the suffix “..........”.

سؤال 14
الدرجة 1.00

We add the prefix “.................” to the word “national” to mean global.

سؤال 15
الدرجة 1.00

If you ................ something, you try to find information about it.

سؤال 16
الدرجة 1.00

The word “view” can be a meeting by adding the prefix “................”.

سؤال 17
الدرجة 1.00

My grandfather was an expert in training animals. The antonym of “expert” is ...........

سؤال 18
الدرجة 1.00

There is no easy solution to this problem. The synonym of "solution” is .........

سؤال 19
الدرجة 1.00

“..................” are the rules we must follow.

سؤال 20
الدرجة 1.00
الوقت المتبقي
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