The command responsible for closing all the applications on the personal computer or laptops is ……….
The Pascaline, is an example of technology from the Pre-Mechanical Age
---- program is used to write reports.
Word program
Medical hearing aids
Screen zoom software
Before you show your results on charts, you should …..
Share it online with others
Analyze them
Remove them
It's no harm getting your friend's information without his permission.
When someone is blocked, they can see your posts
Screen magnification software enables ……
Hearing the information
Printing papers
Showing Information
The ----------- is responsible for processing data.
Archaeologists use ground penetrating radar to find objects above the ground
Satellites appeared in the era of the mechanical revolution
The quotation mark "" is used to summarize the search results that you want
You shouldn’t communicate with ……….. on social media sites.
Your school friend
Unknown person wants to share your information
friend of you
information is considered the processing product of -----------
digital blogs
Helps people of determination (of a missing limb) to practice their daily life
Prosthetic leg
Your friend sent you a file and you want to save it on your device, you should ……..
Download the file
GPS is used to find places you might need to visit
The speaker allows …….
Input Audio data
Output audio data
You want to find a file in your pc, you should ……
Restart the device
Use the Search Box
Press on Del+Alt+Ctrl
The timeline of technological evolution is……
Typewriter, Pen, Word
Word, Pen, Typewriter
Pen, Typewriter, Word
One of the attached devices that you use during video calls is the ----------
When someone mistreats you on the internet, you should ……..
Send him a bad message
Send a bad message to your friends
Block him and tell one of your family members
From the advantages of ICT tools ….
Bullying your friends.
Excess usage of electronic devices
Helping people of determination
Global Positioning System (GPS) connects to satellites to determine locations.
Scanner is used to print images from your computer on paper
The operating system is not necessary to deal with the computer