Flowchart  defined as a group of logically arranged procedures to be executed to attain a goal or precise output , out of specific inputs

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A form in visual basic project is saved with extension ..........

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Visual Basic.NET  is one of the high level programming languages 

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Press ..........or select start command from run menu to run a program in VB.

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Framework.Net contains compilers , libraries and runtime environment 

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Visual Basic project is saved is saved in file with saved extension ............

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............ Command stops your program from running

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.............are programs that translate commands and instructions written by the programmer from the high level language into machine language 

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In looping flowchart; The number of iterations is known previously  

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A ComboBox is a box displays a drop- down list from which one item can be selected  

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Framework provides a design and execution of (.NET) applications 

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Through the ...........   we can write instructions and codes using

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The object name in the code ( IbL_Title. Visible = False ) is Visible.

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There is a difference between the arithmetic operations and the assignment statement

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The project name given to the project Cannot be changed after being created    

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The data type (bool) is of integers

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Dim O  AS Boolean =True 

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The toolbox contains items called ............

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Dim  Boolean AS integer 

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ListBox items can't be arranged alphabetically 

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The property Name is one of the properties which is common to most controls 

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The function of the following  shape in the flow chart .........

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In Branched ( Decision ) flowchart; we can find more than two answers to one question 

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"const" is used for declaring the  variables

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Properties can be changed from....... .

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