.........the appearance of the Sun as it is moving across the sky.

سؤال 1
الدرجة 1.00

The phenomenon of regular pattern of day and night happens due to Earth's rotation on its axis.

سؤال 2
الدرجة 1.00

Earth rotates .......... on its vertical axis

سؤال 3
الدرجة 1.00

When Earth rotates on its axis, it causes the sun, moon and stars seem to rise in the ..........

سؤال 4
الدرجة 1.00

Earth ......... around the sun in an orbit.

سؤال 5
الدرجة 1.00

Planets rotate on their axes at different speeds.

سؤال 6
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..........means a series of events that is repeated in the same order

سؤال 7
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Earth spins  all the time.

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........ rotation causes the cycle of day and night.

سؤال 9
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...........It is the orbiting of an object around another object.

سؤال 10
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During Earth's rotation half of Earth faces the sun, so this part has ............

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We can feel Earth spinning 

سؤال 12
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Solar system includes the sun and eight planets that revolve around the....... in fixed orbits.

سؤال 13
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Earth takes  .............  to make one complete turn on its axis.

سؤال 14
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..............  It is an imaginary line passing through the North pole and South pole of Earth.

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.........is the fastest planet that rotates on its axis in the solar system

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Earth's revolution around the Sun causes the .............. 

سؤال 17
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The sun appears to change its direction in the sky during the day.

سؤال 18
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We cannot feel the high speed of Earth's rotation  because ........

سؤال 19
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Earth rotates on its axis at slow  speed

سؤال 20
الدرجة 1.00
الوقت المتبقي
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