All of the following verbs are regular Except


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: I ----------------- a magazine when my friend phoned me


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الدرجة 1.00


: the teacher is explaining an English grammar,------------------


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: They feel lazy ------------ they aren't exercising enough


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The bird ----------- in the sky at the moment


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Salwa was washing her clothes while Sami ------------ the flowers


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?Did Rita ------------- her degree two weeks ago


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The correct possessive pronouns of these pronouns (I, she, he, it, we, they, you) + noun are

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Amman is ----- capital city of Jordan


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: He came to school --------------- he was ill


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:The correct order of these words (working / today / is / he) is

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The following number “Three hundred and twenty-two is written as


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Reema usually -------------- the piano well

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: One of the following nouns isn't countable


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? is Amman from Irbid---------------


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الوقت المتبقي
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