Jordan is ------ country in ------ Middle east-----


سؤال 1
الدرجة 1.00

?Samer always meet his friends when he was in the school____________


سؤال 2
الدرجة 1.00


One of the following sentences isn’t grammatically correct


سؤال 3
الدرجة 1.00


: If babies ---------- hungry, they cry


سؤال 4
الدرجة 1.00


He gave me some ---------------- advice


سؤال 5
الدرجة 1.00


:One of the following verbs is regular


سؤال 6
الدرجة 1.00


: The bus is late. If it ------------- soon, we will get a taxi


سؤال 7
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I ------------------- about a matter of great consequence at the moment


سؤال 8
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The solution -------------- Amani suggested, pleased everyone


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We ------------------- develop the natural resources of our country


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.-------------I have studied in Lebanon for


سؤال 11
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:The pronoun “We “has possessive and object pronouns which are


سؤال 12
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“The little prince” novel -------------------------- by Antoine Exupery


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?Who ------------ Sunflowers painted by


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All of the following verbs are dynamic except


سؤال 15
الدرجة 1.00
الوقت المتبقي
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