Travel on ………………… or by bike

سؤال 1
الدرجة 1.00

.............We can have many plants on our

سؤال 2
الدرجة 1.00

My dad likes ………………… sharing

سؤال 3
الدرجة 1.00

Mom takes the ………………… to work

سؤال 4
الدرجة 1.00

We decide to ………………… some things as a family

سؤال 5
الدرجة 1.00

Dad goes to work with his friend ………………… the same car

سؤال 6
الدرجة 1.00

cycle lanes at the side of roads.............

سؤال 7
الدرجة 1.00

............Have some car-free

سؤال 8
الدرجة 1.00

................We can use buses and trains

سؤال 9
الدرجة 1.00

We should use energy ………………… light bulbs

سؤال 10
الدرجة 1.00

Noura ………………… to her school

سؤال 11
الدرجة 1.00

Don’t ………………… rice straw to keep the village clean

سؤال 12
الدرجة 1.00

Increase ………………… transportation

سؤال 13
الدرجة 1.00

Have cleaner ………………… in cars

سؤال 14
الدرجة 1.00

.................Use building materials that don’t

سؤال 15
الدرجة 1.00
الوقت المتبقي
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